Remote Assessment Regulations and Guidelines

1.1   Purpose and Scope

These rules and regulations contain the provisions on how students should conduct themselves while taking examinations remotely.

The University Examination Rules and Regulations are applicable to both face to face and remote assessment methods of exam administration. Engagement in any form of examination malpractice will result to disciplinary action taken against those violating the rules and regulations

1.2   General Examination Provisions for Remote Assessment

The following regulations should be observed:

  1. You are required to adhere at all times to the University Examination Rules and Regulations and the guidelines for Remote Assessment. If you are found to be in breach of the regulations and guidelines, you may become liable to disciplinary action which could result in your suspension from the university.
  2. You are required to comply in all respects with all instructions issued before, during and at the submission of an exam.
  3. You are warned to desist from gaining unfair advantage in the exam (whether by breaching an exam regulation or otherwise).
  4. Your work may be subjected to verification and inspection in the event of detection of any form of examination malpractice.
  5. You are advised to familiarize yourself with the examination timetable to confirm the date and time for the online exam and open-book assessment.
  6. You are required to avail yourself for all examinations in person. In case for a good cause you may be unable to attempt the exams, you may seek for special examinations which may be offered at a later date and on the discretion of the University.
  7. Examinations will be available on the dates and time indicated in the timetables and will not be accessible once the time has elapsed.


1.3   Method for the Conduct of Examinations
  1. The University will conduct Remote Assessment through the KCAU Moodle (e-learning platform) and other remote assessment procedures.
  2. Examinations on Remote Assessment may be conducted in writing, ticking/selection, or may be typed using a computer or electronic device which has good interface to support the exercise.
    1. Examinations with an automatic grading key (including multiple choice) may be conducted through selection of answers.
    2. Short answer examinations with essays or open questions may be conducted both in writing on answer scripts or typing on the computer.
    3. Open Book examinations may be conducted through writing on answer scripts and typing on the computer. Submission timelines should be observed strictly. Open Book exams may be restricted to specific reference materials and textbooks. Any cases of cheating will be detected by subjecting the work to cohort cheating checks, turn it in plagiarism checks as well as other detection methodologies hence students are advised to uphold high levels of integrity while taking these examinations.
  3. Online assessment will be conducted within one hour. This is a timed exam.
  4. Open Book assessment should be done and submitted within six hours as indicated in the timetables.


1.4     Examination Dates

All examinations will be conducted on the dates as set in the timetables by the various schools and faculties.

The University reserves the right to change examination dates already set in case of any compelling reasons.

2.0    General Examination Rules

Each Candidate must observe the University Examination Rules and Regulations and the Remote Assessment Regulations and Guidelines as stipulated in this article.

The test environment in which the Candidate takes the Examination must meet the following requirements:

2.1    Before start of the examination
  1. The Candidate’s test environment must be quiet and tranquil. There may not be sounds from music, television or any other sounds.
  2. Make sure you have a good internet connection and fully charged computer/smartphone/tablet (device used for examination).
  3. There may not be any other people in the room. Impersonation and/or outsourcing individuals to attempt the exam on your behalf is a breach of examination rules and regulations. The University reserves the right to investigate suspicious cases.
  4. The examination desk should have the computer/Smartphone/tablets for timed online examinations and no other equipment or access materials. This will only be allowed during Open
    Book examination.
  5. Only one browser window needs to be open, that of the exam. All other browser windows should be closed during the exam.
  6. There may not be other computers or similar devices running concurrently during the timed online examination.
  7. Ensure that the physical location for examination is well lit and adequately ventilated.


2.2 During the Examination the Candidate’s conduct must meet the following requirements:
  1. The timed online examination must be completed in one sitting. The exam will be accessible only once.
  2. The Candidate should not communicate with anyone during examination. In the event that the candidate faces technical challenges, communication will be allowed to seek helpdesk support from the university.
    The faculty/school/ICT office help desk will assist the student and record the technical issue for follow-up. Where it has been determined that the candidate has intentionally unplugged the System / Peripherals / Network etc., time will not be extended and the exam will be terminated at the original time.
  3. The candidate should not open or use any programs such as Instant Messaging, chat rooms,
    email, etc. or “Web Surfing” while taking the exam.
  4. The Candidate may not leave the room after starting the Examination. Breach of University Examination Rules and Regulations will apply in case of non-compliance.
  5. The Candidate must face the computer screen/smartphone/tablet during the examination to confirm his/her identity at all times.
  6. The Candidate should not take screenshots during the Examination.
  7. After you have completed your online exam, you must save all answers and click “Submit”.


3.0     Fraud
    1. Committing Fraud, offering others the opportunity to commit Fraud or stimulating Fraud is apunishable offense. Candidates found culpable will face disciplinary action by the University.
    2. Candidates are advised to present their original work for the Open Book examination. Any casesof plagiarism will be subjected to disciplinary action by the University.
3.1    Sanctions; Additional Measures
Sanctions for Deviations or Irregularities
  1. Any deviation or irregularity in relation to the Remote Assessment regulations and guidelines and /or on the University Examination Rules and Regulations may lead to sanctions as described in this document and on Academic Misconduct Policy as stipulated by the University.
  2. Irregularities may lead to nullification of the examination.
  3. The Candidate will be subjected to disciplinary action and may be required to face the Students Disciplinary Committee in case of breach of examination rules, regulations and guidelines.