Classes will continue remotely over the remaining period of the Semester
Vice Chancellor’s Communication to KCA University Fraternity.
These rules and regulations contain the provisions on how students should conduct themselves while taking examinations remotely.
The University Examination Rules and Regulations are applicable to both face to face and remote assessment methods of exam administration. Engagement in any form of examination malpractice will result to disciplinary action taken against those violating the rules and regulations
Wash hands regularly with soap and running water or boiled and cooled water, or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, Cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or bent elbow, and […]
WHAT IS SELF-QUARANTINE? It is an act of individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19 separating themselves for 1 4 days to monitor if they develop symptoms. Who Should […]
Suspend all public gatherings, face to face meetings and events Suspend all inter school events All Public transport providers to provide hand sanitizers for their clients and regular cleaning of […]
High body temperature Coughing & Sneezing Sore throat Headache Difficulty in Breathing The symptoms start within 14 days of being infected. If you have these symptoms, visit the nearest health […]