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The aim goal of this programme is to equip graduates with professional knowledge and skills in data science. These include Big Data analytics skills, data programming skills and research skills in the area of data science. Although they will initially work in team environments, it is expected that they will quickly progress to positions of...
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The general purpose of the BSc. DS programme is to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills appropriate to collect, process, and analyze massive data sets, and to make predictions and recommendations from the analysis outcomes. Skills will be gained in Big Data analytics skills, data programming skills, and research skills in data science....
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KCA University has launched a cycling tour to raise funds for needy students. Ten professional cyclists and four students will on Friday ride from Nairobi to Meru to raise Sh25 million to support needy students at the university. “This initiative is being coordinated by KCA Foundation which has set its strategic pillars to include focusing...
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Orientation/Mindset Training for New Students
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