Yesterday KCAU was excited to host Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, as they announced the East Africa recipients of the Netflix Creative Equity Scholarship Fund (CESF) providing financial support to African creatives to access quality tertiary education in film and TV-focused disciplines. The scholarship fund for sub-Saharan students is part of Netflix’s global Netflix Creative Equity Fund launched...
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Earlier today when we welcomed our first-year students during the ongoing September intake. Up to 97% of students choose KCAU as their primary choice over other institutions according to recent rankings by Google
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Thank you for choosing KCAU! Here is an opportunity to gain a competitive edge in your dream career. Let’s get Started!
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Vice Chancellor & CEO Prof. Isaiah I.C. Wakindiki, PhD., during his meeting with Mr Daniel Juma Omondi, Global Peace Foundation director for Kenya on the sidelines of the Kenya-Finland Education Forum currently underway at the port city of Mombasa. The week long conference on enhancing education in Kenya will deliberate on co creation of curriculum...
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