Distance Learning

Benefits of Distance Learning at KCAU

1. Introduces flexibility, allowing you to study at your own time and your won pace

2. Encourages personal development and career progression for working professionals, especially those with other commitments such as family or work, and those in far flung locations

3. Enables learners to achieve the same quality education as their peers who attend face-to-face classes in institutions of their choice

4. Removes the limitations introduced by time and distance

5. Reduces learning costs

6. Increases workplace productivity as staff is able to advance their skills and knowledge without having to take long periods of study leave.

7. Leads to efficient utilization of time

instead of leaving office early to join the traffic home or to school, you can have a good THREE hours of learning and close at eight. Within 5 evenings /days (Monday to Friday) you are able to cover even more ground than a face to face learner.

8. Allows learners to select their preferred mode, and to switch modes as their conditions change.

9. Reliable access to the course material with the choice to use digital online material, digital off-line material and traditional paper-based contents in case you are not able to access technology

10. A modular approach that allows you to sit and pay for the number of modules that your time and money allows per trimester

11. High quality modules developed using expertise that is based on knowledge, skills and experience

12. Content developed using the Commonwealth of learning model, and includes audio, video, text and live chats.

13. Experience drawn from collaboration with global partners in the provision of distance education

14. Round-the-clock technological and pedagogical support using face to face and online platforms

15. Similar examinations with the face-to-face learners, ensuring similar quality across the board

16. Continuous assessment tests done online to remove the need for physical attendance in between the trimester.

17. Three intakes a year in January, May and September allowing the learner to choose their start dates.

18. International reputation

KCAU programmes and graduates are recognized internationally. Furthermore, our earlier collaboration with one of the biggest distance learning universities in the world, University of South Africa, has enabled us to gain the requisite experience in running the distance learning programme.

19. Quality

All our distance learning programmes are approved by the KCA university senate and the Commission for University education. The modules are developed by knowledgeable subject experts. All distance learning modules are developed and reviewed through a rigorous process within the academic departments in conjunction with the quality assurance unit. Furthermore, the credibility of the program is assured by turning all the assignments and content through anti-plagiarism software to ensure originality.